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Rubik's Cube 2 x 2 Apprentice

This activity Cube 3D puzzle is the easiest to solve of the Rubik’s collection. 

Struggling to solve the classic 2x2 or 3x3 Rubik’s Cubes? This simple Cube, the Rubik’s Apprentice, is a step-by-step puzzle designed so that you can later take on the more complex Cubes with ease. Look no further for a fun puzzle for beginners.

this anxiety relief fidget toy Cube Solve your way through 3 levels of challenge with the Rubik’s Apprentice. Start by separating the white & yellow layers, then solve the circle on the white layer. Lastly, complete both the white & yellow circles. Sticker overlays enable three progressively difficult levels of challenge.

With the new Rubik’s Apprentice- you can go from an absolute beginner to the puzzle Cube master of your house. 

7+ years.

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