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Anne's School Days, Book 3

Anne loves autumn in Avonlea, and she’s been enjoying her first three weeks of school. It helps that she walks to school with and sits next to her kindred spirit, Diana Barry. However, one day, Gilbert Blythe joins the class. According to Diana, he’s very handsome, and smart too. He’s also very bold, and immediately rubs Anne the wrong way. Things come to a head when Gilbert pulls on Anne’s braid and calls her “Carrots” because of her red hair. Anne vows never to talk to Gilbert again, and even stops going to school for a time when her teacher forces Anne to sit next to her rival. But later, when Anne has an accident on the pond and her wooden plank sinks, who should come to her rescue but her nemesis, Gilbert Blythe?

Author: Kallie George. Paperback. 6+ years.

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