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7 - 8 years

Rainbow Loom Elastics - Mixed Refills

600 Rainbow Loom elastics and 24 C clips

Assorted mixtures available - each sold separately.  8+ years.

Jelly Rainbow Tie Dye: Mixed/assorted tie-dye (jelly). 

Jelly Confetti Mix: Mixed Confetti Jelly.

Smoothie Pastel Rainbow: Semi-translucent mixed pastel. Smoothie bands are more translucent than opaque bands but less translucent than jelly bands.

Opaque/Jelly Mix: Mixed colours (yellow jelly, opaque pink, opaque neon green, turquoise jelly, purple jelly, opaque red, opaque white and opaque black).

Chameleon Mood Ring: Changes colour based on body temperature.  Bands will change colours when in contact with the warmth of your skin.

Opaque Cotton Candy: Pink, white, and ocean blue tri-colour bands

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